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TeachersLoveSundaes's Shop

Hi, I am Lizzie a primary teacher with 10+ years of experience. I love teaching but the thing I hate is that Sunday becomes a work day. I believe that all teachers deserve to rest on Sunday. For the benefit of themselves and their students. Hence the creation of Teachers Love Sundaes. The resources I create can be picked up and taught straight from. All lessons include key vocabulary, rewind , active learning throughout, problem solving generated learning , stem sentences and so much more !

Hi, I am Lizzie a primary teacher with 10+ years of experience. I love teaching but the thing I hate is that Sunday becomes a work day. I believe that all teachers deserve to rest on Sunday. For the benefit of themselves and their students. Hence the creation of Teachers Love Sundaes. The resources I create can be picked up and taught straight from. All lessons include key vocabulary, rewind , active learning throughout, problem solving generated learning , stem sentences and so much more !